She who Would Be Art

A decade ago this woman travelled from Fresno and got this "Protectorant" design on her back. It was one of the first times I had used colored dots in a pattern, and it did not age well. So this week when she returned the first order of business was to do a rebuild on it, achieving what I had intended. I'll be the first to admit tattooing is not easy, it is a challenge to learn new styles and methods. And I happily persevere. I'm grateful when clients let me experiment, and never too proud to admit when a tune-up is necessary!

'Protectorant' spiral tattoo in purple by Pat Fish

'Protectorant' spiral tattoo in purple by Pat Fish

Original tattoo done elsewhere, and improvement by Pat Fish

Original tattoo done elsewhere, and improvement by Pat Fish

A thistle tattoo in honor of her Scottish husband seemed a bit weak, so we changed it a little.

Pictish Spiral Arm Tattoo by Pat Fish

Pictish Spiral Arm Tattoo by Pat Fish

And finally, she who insisted on making the most of her trip to Santa Barbara, had me wrap a series of Pictish spirals across her shoulder. Now finally she has a tattoo she can look down and enjoy instead of having so much work just on her back.

Huzzah for clients with stamina!