Noble Wolf Sigil Tattoo Design

The noble wolf, favorite totem animal of warriors, in a new shield tattoo. An oval ring of Pictish key patterning from the 9th century Maiden Stone in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, surrounds the wolf paw print pattern of my own devising.

Gypsy Good Luck Mark Tattoo Design

A classic Irish knot pattern, often found painted on the wagons of the Traveler folk for good luck. A blessing for the wearer of the tattoo.

Frog Tattoo with Poison Arrow Frog Design

Hidden in the jungle leaves, one of nature's finest jewels, the poison arrow frog lurks. Sure to cause certain death if an arrow point is tipped with the secretions on its skin, nonetheless their beauty makes them a popular pet. This tattoo design shows the lovely frog perched on a spreading leaf, a perfect way to showcase the bright color of both.

Soldier Celtic Cross Tattoo Design

Evening's long shadows became the night, in the small Irish graveyard where I made the grave rubbing that became this tattoo pattern. Memorial to a soldier who had fought and died in a foreign land. Not forgotten.