Spiral Shield Celtic Circle Tattoo Design

This pattern combines the two forms of spirals that are the most important stylistic element in Celtic art. The spiral built of two elements is akin to the yin-yang pattern in Eastern cultures, representing dualism, black and white, yes and no. But the triple spiral is the Celtic way, it allows for black, white and grey........ yes, no and maybe. Because in the shape-shifting world of the mists, things are not so clearly divided.

Spiral Shield tattoo by Pat Fish

Triquetra Ring and Cross Matching Tattoo Designs

A husband and wife traveled far to acquire a set of symbolic tattoos to celebrate their mutual 50th birthdays. The Celtic triquetra with a knotwork ring now graces the wife's hip, and it forms the center of the cross now installed on the husband's calf. The best sort of matching tattoos: each is unique, and stands alone, but they are obviously a set when seen together.

Matching triquetra ring tattoos by Pat Fish

Triquetra ring tattoo by Pat Fish

Triquetra ring cross tattoo by Pat Fish

Tribal Butterly Tattoo Design

The beauty of butterflies is unquestionably one of the inspirations for tribal tattoo design. This pattern captures the swooping lines of butterfly wings in a simple tribal graphic.

Tribal butterfly tattoo by Pat Fish

Viking Vegvisir Tattoo Design

The Huld manuscript, dated to 1860 but sourced from earlier traditional oral sagas,  says: "Carry this sign with you and you won’t get lost in storms or bad weather, even though in unfamiliar surrounds." A permanent compass to keep the wearer on track. No Viking adventurer should be without it!  This client is a follower of the old ways, and now wears this most potent of symbols proudly on his chest.

Viking vegvisir tattoo by Pat Fish